Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analyzed of Vanuatu Government Issues †

Question: Discuss about the Analyzed of Vanuatu Government Issues. Answer: Introduction The following paper discusses upon the various issues that had happened in the Broken Dream video in respect to the Vanuatu government. There have been several problems that the local people of the community face. These problems have been overlooked by the government after the independence from the British colonials. They have felt that there needs to be a well established governing system that could support the needs of the government. These things have not been treated with utmost importance by the government rather they have put the money away from the hands of the islanders and this has effectively hindered the growth of Vanuatu as a progressive nation as a whole. These problems regarding the ethical concerns and the governing problems will have to be discussed in this paper along with the PO act and the ways these problems can be adjusted. The recommendations have to be made in this regard as to how the services can be developed. The ethical and governing issues One of the major earning points for the Vanuatu government has been the coming of the cruise ships and the tourists (Cohen and Cohen 2012). The tourists come to that spot for enjoying the beauty of the spot. Whenever these cruises arrive, the local community people of Vanuatu are very much elated. This is because the money that is earned from the visiting of the cruise ships could have brought development and progress to the lives of the islanders but the outcome has been completely different. There have been some serious governing issues in this context. The government has been squandering all the money that they get from the arrival of the cruise ships. The tourists have built good toilets, water system and other facilities whenever they come into the place. The people of the local community have not been able to get those facilities as they do not have the authority or the money to build those basic facilities like good water system, public toilets, primary schools for kids and so me others. They have been deprived of these facilities (Scheyvens and Russell 2013). The ethical issues include the facts that they have been the politicians live in huge luxury while the local people live in utter poverty. They do not have a clean water system as well. The corruption has been there at all the levels and the government is not that much interested to take care of those poor people. The economy of that area has been completely destroyed and the government has yet not shown any attempt to improve the situation. The annual financial reports from 2004 to 2012 have been missing as well so this means that there has been a huge squandering of money (News 2017). PO Cruises Activity The PO Cruises from Australia has been the source for earning money from the tourists in the Port Vila and Wala. Wala has been the prime destination for the tourists who have been on their way to discovering a new horizon for travel ( 2017). The local community people stay in hope that one day their problems will be solved by the government and they will live a happy life. The problem is no one knows where the money has gone and what has the politicians of the country have done with that money(News 2017). This is a prime concern because the kids have to cross the river to go to school. The local market is not for the islanders but for the foreign tourists only. The local people have been deprived from all the sides ( 2017). The PO Cruises did not at all act ethically in this case because the money collected from the tourists should have been spent for the welfare of the people. Nonetheless, they have handed the money to the politicians and the money could not be traced since then. These points can be justified by the fact that they have been in such position that they could develop those places like Port Vila and Wala if they wished (Buys et al. 2014). The local politicians could have also been much important in case of distributing the money equally among the villagers and islanders. They have started their own attempts for their earning. They have been exporting some of the crops they harvest in their fields through ferry services. These acts could well help them to become self-dependent if the government does not come up for their help. The cruises company can also do some good for the people of Vanuatu as they had seen dreams for the development of the areas (Mendes and Guerreiro 2017). Rectification of the issues The issues that have been identified in this course have to be sorted out to solve the problems of the local islanders. The issues are mostly ethical and governing issues are there as well. The responsibility of sorting out of these issues must be taken by the government of Vanuatu and Australia jointly (Kruger 2012). This is only because the PO Cruises operate under the instructions of the Australian government. There are several reasons on why the government should interfere in the matters of the Vanuatu people. The islanders have been in great distress all through and it is the primary duty of the local government to provide them with the basic necessities. The ethical issues should be mitigated by the local politicians because it is not possible for the government to interfere in everything. The reasons are very much justified (Jovicic 2014). They should be looking to provide the people with the food, water, public toilet, hospitals and primary schools. They should not play with the money that they earn from the PO cruises. The government and the local people should work in collaboration to the make the dreams successful. Resolving of the identified issues by the government It is very clear that the government could have identified some burning issues within the Vanuatu tourism (News 2017). The responsibility is equally for the Australian government and the Vanuatu government. The two governments could have consulted between themselves as to how utilize the money and the facilities that come with the arrival of the cruise ships. The Foreign department and the tourism department of the Australian government and Vanuatu government should be looking at those issues so that they could find some way out to give solidarity to those issues and be just to the demands of the islanders ( 2017). They should be consulting the other government agencies so that they could have some ideas about the solution of this issue. The islanders of the Vanuatu area should be helped in great ways so that they could live a better life and should lead a healthy life with many important facilities that should help them to stay well (News 2017). Recommendations Some ways have to be recommended in this aspect since it is important to overcome these isssues in no time. The poor islanders are living a life of seclusion from the developed world and they do not have the facilities that they should have got. They are trying on their own to export their crops to the improved areas (Sardos et al. 2016). Recommendation no 1 The first responsibility of procuring the condition of the islanders of Wala and Vanuatu is upon the government of Vanuatu and Australia. They should be working together in this matter. They should look to provide the necessary facilities to the people there and build water system, public toilet, hospitals and primary schools there. They should be working on this matter since they are the governing authority and it is their ethical responsibility to provide the best facilities to the people who are under them. Recommendation no 2 It is also the duty of the PO Cruises to look upon the matter with graveness. The cruise ships that come to the place there collect a huge amount of money from the foreigner tourists. The tourists build the necessary facilities for themselves there but they should also look to provide the basic things to the island people as well. The amount of money that is collected should be used for the welfare of the poor islanders. This money should be used for building the things that they have lacked (Dobel 2012). Recommendation no 3 It is also the responsibility of the politicians as well. One basic issue that had been identified is the corruption among the political leaders and the squandering of money by them. They should not be allowed to get into this matter and the entire money should be used for the betterment of the area (Robinson 2012). The financial reports should be published because the common people have every right to know what the government is doing with the money. Conclusion This paper can be concluded by saying that the people of Vanuatu have been suffering from various problems for decades now and the government has not been able to produce any remedy for that. One important remedy could have been that of the money that was collected from the cruise ships and the government and politicians had wasted that money for their own advantage and pleasures. The situations turned out so that the islanders were deprived of their basic rights. This could be fatal to their future. Some recommendations have been done as how this can be overcome. If the steps are followed, hopefully there will be an improvement in the situation. 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